You had a successful campaign, and ranked choice voting (RCV) passed in your jurisdiction! So, what happens next?
A successful implementation process can mean the difference between a smooth election that lives up to the promises of your campaign and a fiasco that leaves voters and lawmakers wondering if this new reform is worth the trouble. We have a saying that the most successful campaigns end with a successful first implementation.
With this in mind, RepresentUs, Democracy Rising, and RCVRC partnered together to create a new resource guide to help advocates smooth the path to a successful first election (and beyond!). As one of the fastest-growing electoral reforms in the United States, every election cycle sees new cities and states passing RCV laws. As more people become interested in RCV, advocacy groups have created a wealth of materials to explain how RCV works and how to pass RCV laws. Far less attention has been paid to what to do once that law has passed. This guide exists to fill that gap.
We are excited to share Protect the Win: An Advocate's Guide to Implementing RCV with you and hope you find it helpful in winning over the hearts and minds of YOUR voters for RCV!