Charles “Chuck” Winfree resides in Greensboro, NC, where he is currently a private practice attorney and owner of Adams & Winfree. Winfree graduated magna cum laude with a B.S. in Computer Science from NC State University in 1981. He received his J.D. from the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Law in 1989, where he graduated with honors and served as an editor of the North Carolina Law Review. Since being admitted to the bar on August 18, 1989, Chuck has engaged in the general civil practice of law for 30 years, almost exclusively in the State trial and appellate Courts, including numerous jury trials to verdicts and appeals. In addition, he served 2 years on the Guilford County Board of Elections, followed by 12 years on the NC State Board of Elections, and participated in numerous quasi-judicial hearings regarding election law disputes, from residency disputes to campaign finance violations, including hearings that led to criminal convictions of Meg Scott Phipps, former Speaker Jim Black, and former Governor Mike Easley, among others.