Our Types of RCV page provides a basic understanding of how to elect multiple candidates using proportional ranked choice voting. However, the counting procedure is a little more complicated and varies somewhat by jurisdiction. This page provides an in-depth explanation of how Minneapolis, Minnesota, tabulates proportional ranked choice voting elections.
The threshold, or quota, of votes a candidate needs to be elected in a race is determined based on the number of seats to be filled in that race. This is determined by dividing the total number of valid ballots cast by the number of positions to be elected plus one and then adding one to the result.
In Minneapolis, the At-Large Board of Estimate and Taxation (two seats) and the At-Large Park Board Commissioners (three seats) are elected with proportional RCV. That means that the following seats have the following thresholds:
This means if 24,000 valid votes are cast for the Board of Estimate and Taxation, the threshold will be 8,001. If 24,000 valid votes are cast for the Park Board Commissioners, the threshold will be 6,001.
For more information, see the How We Count RCV Ballots and How To Complete A RCV Ballot pages on Minneapolis’ website. [Additional information: see our How RCV Works page to understand how to mark RCV ballots.]