Welcome to the Ohio RCV Maps page. This page includes basic facts about Ohio elections and summary information about Ohio's RCV readiness. The Ohio State Assessment may be downloaded in PDF format using the button immediately following the summary information.
For information about how states are scored for RCV readiness, please see the How We Score States Guide. General questions about RCV Maps are covered on the RCV Maps FAQ page.

For Questions, Corrections, and Updates | Contact: info@rcvresources.org
The Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center (RCVRC) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with no financial interest in voting equipment manufacturers. To research these assessments, RCVRC reviews the election code and regulations, investigates results reporting practices, monitors local news stories, and researches certification documents. These analyses are available to advocates, researchers, election officials, lawmakers, and voters to contribute to discussions about ranked choice voting (RCV) and election administration.