Welcome to the Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Educational Toolbox: What You Need to Know to Understand, Administer, and Implement. The toolbox is a series of online lessons that are customizable, educational, and user-friendly. The educational toolbox is presented as a component of the Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center (RCVRC) – a content-rich repository of RCV information. In order to reach the diverse audiences interested in learning about RCV, this course has been designed in a format so that you will be able to tailor specifically to your needs by focusing on the lessons that apply to your interest in learning about RCV.
The course is centered around a municipality, “Choiceland,” which has passed a measure to begin using RCV in the next mayoral election. The course focuses on how the voters, election administrators, policymakers, and candidates prepared for the implementation of RCV.
The educational toolbox consists of a set of five RCV lessons created to be viewed as a slideshow presentation. In order to get the most out of your educational experience, each lesson includes a workbook with more detailed information on that topic and is designed as a companion piece to the presentations.