Robert Montjoy - RCRCV Board of Directors 2018-2023
Robert Montjoy, Ph.D., is retired as a research professor and Deblois Chair, University of New Orleans (UNO) (2018); professor and Assistant Vice President for University Outreach, Auburn University (AU) (2004); and captain, U.S. Navy Reserve (1995). His academic career mixed teaching, research, outreach (public service), and administration. At Auburn, he served as founding director of the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program (1985-1997), director of the Economic Development Institute (1994-2001), and Assistant VP (1999-2004); at UNO, he was director of the MPA program (2004-2009). Robert has diverse outreach experiences: helping Virginia legislative committees develop a statistical formula for the distribution of state aid to local governments (1977-1979); managing the State of Alabama’s implementation of a federal court order affecting elections in 65 counties (1988-1990); helping to found and serving as the first president of the Alabama Technology Network, the statewide center for the U.S. Manufacturing Extension Partnership (1995-2004); serving on the government effectiveness committee of the Bring New Orleans Back Commission after Hurricane Katrina (2005-2006) and conducting other projects for public and nonprofit organizations. His research output includes books, chapters, and journal articles, as well as publications by university institutes, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations. Robert remains active in efforts to improve the administration of elections and has served on the national board of directors for the Election Center: The National Association of Election Officials. He has been an EARC/RCVRC board member since its inception in 2018. He teaches in the Election Center/AU professional education program for election officials, which he helped found in 1992.