Amelia Powers Gardner
Amelia has over 15 years of experience in the private sector working in
engineering, manufacturing, and business development. She grew up in Utah County before earning a Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology from Weber State University. After college, she worked for Caterpillar, spending time in the Midwest, southern US, and Canada, before returning home to Utah County where she now serves as Utah County Commissioner.
Prior to being elected Commissioner, Amelia served as the Utah County Clerk/Auditor, where she championed innovation and efficiency in government. Under Amelia’s leadership, Utah County launched the first ever completely online marriage license portal, became the first jurisdiction in the U.S. to allow people with disabilities to vote using blockchain technology, and implemented performance-based budgeting.
During Amelia’s tenure as a county commissioner, she has focused on preparing the county for growth and working with cities on addressing the housing crisis. Amelia is also serving on the Governor’s Digital Innovation Taskforce and other government efficiency boards to help implement digital documents and continuously improve remote services so that state and local governments can provide better quality services to taxpayers. Amelia has also led the charge to implement a county policy that protects urban farming and is a strong advocate for private property rights.
Amelia is an elected official, community leader, business consultant, disruptive technology advocate, government innovation leader, and mentor for women. She and her husband Tobin live in Pleasant Grove, UT and have 6 children.